
VIREX is an altogether new class of revolutionary organic agricultural products made out with a year of research and field validation. Virex is made with pure herbal extracts and it is free from any kind of chemicals. Today in modern agriculture viral infestations are becoming more and more common but unfortunately, there are no problems remedies or control measures to these viral infestations. In this scenario, ‘virex’ is the real boon to the farming community. Virex is the most trusted organic product which can offer the perfect solution to these stubborn viral infestations.

Virex how it works?

     Virex is made with rare and time-tested herbal extracts. These herbal extracts go deep into the plant system and trigger natural immunity in plants thereby plants produce antibodies to caught viral infestations.

What kind of results we can reject:

  • Virex offers the fastest and sustainable results in their segments.
  • First noticeable results- viral free new growth (new leaves comes without viral diseases)
  • Secondly- within few days old virally infested leaves turn to normal.

Recommended crops:

Chilies, papaya, watermelon, musk melons, pulses, vegetable crops, horticulture crops, and on crops where viral infestations are more common.

  • 250ml
  • 500ml
  • 1000ml
  • Dilute Virex 2.5 to 3ml in one liter of water and spray on crop canopy uniformly.  Repeat application at 7-10 days interval.